Thursday, February 3, 2011

Broadcast notes 2.3.11 "There's A War In The Heavenlies"

Broadcast Notes: 2.3.11

Prayer, God's Dynamo

In his sermon given in Chicago in 1920, Dr. John G. Lake mentioned that prayer was like a great dynamo….just as a natural dynamo draws electricity out of the air and then transmits it over long distances, prayer, a supernatural activity, is like that great dynamo, drawing God’s saving grace and creative virtue into the lives of men and women on this earth.

Space Warp
Science fiction speaks of a ‘warp’ in time, a rip in the woof of this four dimensional world, where one can slip through into another dimension, another world, another time.

That is what happens in prayer, you slip or escape, the ‘surly bonds of earth’, the pull of earth’s gravitation, the earthiness of the sense realm with its lust of the flesh, and you escape through that rend in the heavens that Jesus made when He ascended with His Blood

Here let us look at that ‘rend in the heavens’ from Hebrews 10, Verses 18-22…
Now where remission of these (sins & iniquities, Vs. 17) is, there is no need for further offerings for sin. 
Having, therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way,
which he has consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
and having a high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith….

Hebrews 6, Verse 19, also speaks of the ‘hope’ which we have as an anchor for our soul, this hope is both sure and steadfast and has entered into that which is within the veil, where our forerunner has entered, even Jesus, made a high priest forever after the order of Melchisedec.

“A new and living way”, “through the veil”, “within the veil”, all speaks of transcending human limitation and entering to the eternity of God….even to the point of coming boldly before His Throne.
We are still speaking of prayer….the dynamo generating God’s tremendous miracle working power here on earth.

To really understand the extent or surpassing greatness of this power, we have to slip through that warp created between the natural, and enter into the supernatural…..even heaven itself, as John did when he was on the isle of Patmos.

In Revelation 4, John tells us that he was caught up to the Throne of God, the very place you are invited to enter into when you pray.

Let’s look at what he saw:
A throne set in heaven, with One sitting on the throne, Vs. 2
The One on the throne was a spirit being, the color of a jasper and sardine stone, a rainbow encircled the throne that had the appearance of a emerald, Vs. 3
Our of the throne proceeded lightenings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which were the seven manifestations of God’s Spirit, Vs. 5
Continue with Vs. 6-11

Before we begin to pray, we need to place ourselves in this place….
this is the place we come to when we come boldly before the Throne of Grace, so that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need, Heb. 4:16….
and not just for our needs, but for the ability to be God’s dynamo in prayer and release His mercy and grace in the lives of others in THEIR time of need.

If we will lift our minds up into heavenly places, BEFORE, we begin to pray….and see God’s power, His lightnings, His beauty, ….a flooding of His Spirit will take place in our hearts and we will begin to sense that heavenly dynamo beginning to turn, and the fire beginning to burn.

The old song says,
I feel a little prayer wheel turning,
I feel a little fire, a’burning.
(from "Have A Little Talk With Jesus")

The old time saints new what it was to pray like the dynamo of God.

When Dr. Lake laid his hand on the proud flesh, seven layers of it on a man’s stomach, he prayed like the dynamo of God:   
“God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, blast this curse of hell and burn it up by the power of God!”

That, my dear friends, is the prayer of faith!

An hour later, the imprint of his hand was burnt into that devilish growth….I’m sure Dr. Lake wasn’t expecting that!  He had never seen such a thing before!

He said, “You talk about the voltage of heaven and the power of God!  Why there is lightning in the soul of Jesus.
The lightnings of Jesus heal men by their touch,
sin dissolves,
disease flees when the power of God approaches!”

We are called to generate God’s power in the earth and leave how it manifests in His hands…I'm sure Dr. Lake never expected this peculiar 'operation' of the Spirit.

Paul spoke of, ‘diversities of operation’, and ‘differences of administration’, but it was the same Holy Spirit of God who was accomplishing all these various works, 1 Corinthians 12:4-7:
4Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
 5And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
 6And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
 7But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

Dr. Lake was a man who, by understanding scientific principles, and applying them to the operations of God’s Spirit, himself became a dynamo generating God’s power and then through prayer and the laying on of hands, transmitting that power to others, such as this man, for healing.

Dr. Lake saw the dynamo principle and lived a life of prayer, so as to keep generating that power…building it up within himself, so that he wasn’t laying ‘empty hands’ on people when he went to pray for them.

Empty hands would not have seen a hundred thousand people healed, and a city declared the healthiest city in the United States.
A report out of Washington, DC. said:  “Rev. Lake, through divine healing, has made Spokane the healthiest city in the world, according to United States, statistics.”

Dr. Lake, through his teachings, raised up other ‘dynamos of God’, and together as a team they functioned out of healing rooms in Spokane, ministering to people every day through the laying on of hands.

Again, I want to emphasize, that a great part of Dr. Lake’s success was based on the fact that he approached the operation of the Spirit in a scientific manner.

He raised his level of understanding the ‘operations of God’ beyond a ‘hit and miss’ operation.

If scientists operated that way, we would not have the great scientific breakthroughs we have today.  Scientists don’t do their work to ‘miss it’, but to ‘hit it’, get the breakthrough, the solution.


You may still doubt this, but when you look at all the natural, scientific illustrations Jesus used to teach the principles of the Kingdom of God, you will discover that they (the principles of the Kingdom taught in the parables) had a scientific foundation.

Take the parable of the Sower….
science says to have a harvest you put seed in the ground, and it must be good ground, not thorny, rocky, scorched ground.  And then the
harvest will be varied, 30-60-100 fold.

Prayer isn’t a ‘feeling’, though you may get feelings when you pray.

Prayer is allowing God to transact some business here on earth.

James 5:16b 
The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer 
of a righteous man 
makes tremendous power available 
[dynamic in its working].
Overcome the limitations of this world by entering into Life....Zoe,
Life in and by the Holy Spirit.
If you don't have this life, pray this prayer with me:
"Jesus, I know that you came into this world, as The Life that God was holding out to those who would believe on You.  I believe that you are also the Lamb of God, Who took away the sins of the world on the Cross.  I believe that You were raised from the dead, are alive today and seated at God's right hand in heaven.  Come into my heart, my life....I receive You and the God-kind of Life that You brought to the world.
Thank you, Jesus for forgiving my sins, coming into my heart, and making me a new person inside with a new kind of Life.
God is now my very own Father,
and I am His very own child,
through Jesus Christ, my Lord,
(if you prayed this prayer, I would like to send you some materials to help you grow in your new life.  If you will send your name and address to me at "", I would be happy to do that.
God Bless You!

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