Monday, April 18, 2011

Broadcast notes: Week of 4.19.11 "A body hast Thou prepared Me", Hebrews 10

Last week, we meandered through the 'green grass' and rich fields of Jesus' High Priesthood from Hebrews Chapter 7.
The mystery of the Melchizedek priesthood....the priesthood established by the 'power of endless life', (Heb. 7:16).
Endless Life.
Life as God has it in Himself, that He gives to those who believe on His Son to have in themselves.
This Son is the Author of it to all who believe on Him.
He is the sustainer of it during the course of their life on earth.
"Abide in me and I in you....I AM Life".

The Word at work in the Book of Hebrews.
The Word....the High Priest.
The Word....taking on a body prepared for sacrifice.
The Incarnation.

God giving Himself for the Life of the world.... "God was IN Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself," 2 Cor. 5:19.

Before this Word, as High Priest, could enter into the True Tabernacle, not made with hands, He had to have an offering.
The body was prepared.
The Blood shed was for 'ETERNAL' redemption.
The Word, entered in ONCE, into that True Tabernacle,
not with the blood of bulls and goats, but with

This week we 'feed' through Hebrews Chapter 10.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Broadcast notes: 4.13.11 "Two Priesthoods: One of the Law, the Other of Eternal Life"

In Hebrews 7, the Melchizedec priesthood's connection to Jesus Christ is explained.  
Also, the priesthood which functioned under the Law given to Moses and the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai, is compared to the priesthood of Melchizedec.

When studying chapters that have comparative explanations like this, I take a piece of paper and divide it down the middle.  Then, going through the chapter, I list the characteristics of each subject.  This way I have the lists side by side and can see more clearly and also more indepth what God is saying on that particular subject.

Since I'm not sure how to do that two column listing here, I will have to post two consecutive lists.


First we will look at the Levitical priesthood:
Levi appointed to priesthood by the LAW (Vs. 5)

Paid tithes to Melchizedec while in loins of Abraham (Vs. 9 & 10), showing the Melchizedec priesthood superior to Levitical priesthood, for the lesser tithes to the greater.

Under Levitical priesthood people received the Law (Moses of the tribe/family of Levi), (Vs. 11)

Couldn't produce righteousness/Life, (Vs. 11,18&19).
The Law establishing the Levitical priesthood was unable to overcome sin, (Vs. 18)
Another priesthood was necessary, one after Order of Melchizedec, not Order of Aaron, (Vs. 11).
Levitical priests stopped being priests at death (Vs. 23)
This priesthood established by the Law (which was a carnal/earthy commandment), (Vs. 16)
This commandment was annulled, (Vs. 18)
Priests of this Order had to offer sacrifices daily for sin, both theirs and the peoples, (Vs. 27)

The Law made men with weaknesses priests, (Vs. 28)

Made a Priest by an OATH (Vs. 20)

King of Salem
Priest of the Most High God (Vs. 1)
Met Abraham returning from battle and blessed him, (Vs. 1)

Received tithes of Abraham, (Vs. 2)
King of Righteousness
King of Peace, (Vs. 2)
No recorded birth date, father, mother, relatives or death, 
Therefore a priest still, (Vs. 3)
Made like unto the Son of God (a priest forever), (Vs. 3)
Greater than Abraham and his descendants, Aaron & Levi, (Vs. 4)
Blessed Abraham, the receiver of the PROMISES(Gen. 12:2&3), (Vs. 6)
Abraham who was blessed,
showed his inferiority to the 'blesser', Melchizedec. (Vs. 7)
Melchizedec priesthood not based on family/tribal connections, (Vs. 13)
Not based on a commandment, (Vs. 16)
Made a priest by OATH(Psa. 110:4), (Vs. 20)
Melchizedec priesthood brought in (ushered in, established) a better hope, (Vs. 19)
Eternal priesthood, based on the power of an endless life, (Vs. 17 & 24)
A better testament/covenant, (Vs. 22)

A Eternal Guarantor of this Testament, (Vs. 22)
An unchangeable priesthood/eternally established, (Vs. 24)
Provides utter/total/eternal salvation, (Vs. 25)
Provides us with an Intercessor, to help us in our weaknesses, (Vs. 25)
This Priesthood/Priest is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, made higher than the heavens, (Vs. 26)
One Sacrifice/Offering forever, (Vs. 27)
An OATH made Jesus, Our High Priest after the Order (Similitude/Likeness/Pattern) of Melchizedec, a priest forever. (Vs. 28)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Broadcast notes 4.8.11: "Messiah! King, Priest & Victorious Chamption"

The following video is the closing scene from the production, "The Bride"  by Rambo & McGuire. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Broadcast notes 4.6.11 "Zoe...the Power of the New Priesthood"

Hebrews 7:15-17
" is yet far more evident:  for that after the similitude (pattern) of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest, who is made (a priest), not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless Life (Zoe).  For he (God) testifieth, 'Thou art a priest forever, after the order (pattern) of Melchisedec', (Psalms 110:4)."

The writer of Hebrews here speaks of:
A New Priestly Pattern
A New Priestly Life
A Permanent Priethood

Melchisedec was the 'pattern' for the New Priesthood.
"Zoe" is the Life of the New Priesthood.
Jesus, the New High Priest remains a Priest forever.

Melchisedec....the 'pattern'
He established the 'Ordinances' of the New Priesthood...
bread and wine.
He has no recorded geneology....thus, 'no beginning and no ending', or no termination of his priesthood.  
His priesthood is the pattern for the Priesthood of the Covenant God made with Abraham.
The Abrahamic Covenant continues into the New Testament/Covenant.
Jesus' offering up of Himself as the New Priest,
His body represented by the 'bread', His Blood by the wine,
fulfilled the prophetic pattern of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac,
which was a figure of the 'True Sacrifice'...

Just as Abraham has carried over into the New Testament, so the priesthood, of which Melchizedec was a pattern, carried over into the New Testament.

"And, Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness."

Abraham believed Melchisedec was the priest of the Most High God.
He believed God sent this man to him.
He believed that the covenant meal they shared was had a significance beyond his understanding.

Abraham also saw in Melchisedec, the combining for the offices of "priest" and "king".

God never intended the Levitical priesthood with its attending garments, rituals, sacrifices and Temple/tabernacle to be His ultimate purpose.
These things were just 'shadows'....or 'pictures' of all that the New High Priest and the New Priesthood, after the order or pattern of Melchisedec, of the Abrahamic period, would be.

They were a 'parenthesis' in the Ultimate Sacrifice:  "The Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world", (Rev. 13:8).

As a Priest, Jesus offered His body as the 'sacrifice for sins', 'once for all'.
At His Resurrection, the 'power of endless life' entered into His Priesthood,
He now sits at the right hand of the Father, 'ever living to make intercession (saying prayers) for us'.

Endless Life (Zoe) is the power that continues to feed/sustain
Him as the New High Priest after the order of Melchisedec.