Saturday, January 22, 2011

Zoe Radio Network's new host: Blogtalk Radio

We have been working for about a month now relocating our broadcast to Blogtalk Radio.  This will provide us with access to iTunes and also downloading for those of you who have mentioned it.  Our first program will air this Tuesday, January 25 at 10:00 AM.  We are still experimenting with times for broadcasting so this most likely will not be our permanent day or time.  Learning to work with the internet software, uploading sound files, etc. has been a little bit of a challenge so for the first program, we are doing a reading from the sermon of Dr. John G. Lake given in Chicago in 1920 on the "Science of Divine Healing", with opening and closing remarks and music clips.  We will be able to check the audio levels, clarity, etc. with the first program, so we are interested in suggestions or comments in these areas. 

Personally, I enjoy reading the writings of the giants of faith so that people can hear them as well as read them:  "faith cometh by hearing", Romans 10:17, so I will probably be doing more of these....I encourage you to download them into iTunes, which is free downloadable software, and you can then use that program to make CD's to give to others for their edification if you so choose.

We will have call-in capability also, which we will be able to use in a few weeks after getting accustomed to the web site.  It will be interesting to see the questions/comments that come in.

At times our subjects may 'bleed over' into terms used by New Agers, or other 'spiritual' areas.  Please bear with us as those times.  "Tag words" can catch the attention of the unconverted, the deceived and the seeking.  Your prayers for them are solicited.

Exploring life as God has it, will remain our focus....hence our opening program title:  "The Science of Divine Healing".

You can click on the link above "Zoe Network on Blog Talk Radio" to go to our new site.

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