Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Science of Divine Healing Broadcast notes from 1/25/11

"In Him was Life (Zoe) and the Life (Zoe) was the light of men."  John 1:4

"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of Life (Zoe), for the Life (Zoe) was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal Life (Zoe), which was with the Father and was manifested unto us.  And this is the PROMISE that he hath promised us, even eternal Life (Zoe),"  1 John 1:1-3 

I have heard.
I have seen with my eyes.
I have experienced...
I now declare....that Life, 
which was with the Father and was manifested unto me.

My teaching and preaching is not with man's wisdom, but is intended to produce power and a demonstration of the Holy Spirit/The Word of God in your life.

I will speak of what I have seen, heard and experience of that Life for the past 35 years.  I am not sharing a myth or fable, a philosophy or speculation.
 I call you to fellowship with this Life.
Ann Windsor


Dr. John G. Lake
Science of Divine Healing
Chicago, 1920

In him was life; and the life was the light of men" (John 1:4).

There is a difference between Christianity and philosophy.

God gave me the privilege of living in the heart of philosophic South Africa, where we have one million five hundred thousand who are ministered to by Buddhist, Confucianist and Brahman priests. Every imaginable cult has its representatives there. I was amazed to discover that the whites were gradually assimilating the philosophy of the East, just as we Westerners are assimilating the philosophy of the East, and have been doing so for a long time.

When you take the philosophies, Christian Science, New Thought and Unity today and examine them, you discover they are the same old philosophies of India, Egypt and China from time immemorial.

The difference between philosophy and religion, particularly the religion of Jesus Christ, is in the words I quoted from the Scriptures, "In him was life; and the life was the light of men." Philosophy is light. It is the best light the individual possessed who framed the philosophy. But it is not a LIFE GIVER.

But from the soul of Jesus there breathed a holy, living life of God, that comes into and quickens the nature of man, him by its power, and by the grace of God he has the life of Jesus in him, eternal life.

Many of the ancient philosophies have a marvelous light. One of the Indian philosophies, Bhagavad Gita, was written five hundred years before Isaiah. In it they predicted the coming of a Son of God, a Redeemer, who was to come and redeem mankind.

Buddha presented his philosophy five hundred years before Jesus. Pythagoras wrote four thousand years before Jesus Christ. In each one of them you will find many of the teachings of Jesus. The teachings of Jesus were not unique in that they were all new. They were new because they contained something that none of the rest possessed. 

It was the divine content in the word of Jesus Christ that gave His teachings their distinguishing feature from the other philosophies. That content (element) is the LIFE of God. "In him was LIFE; and the LIFE was the light of men."

Beloved, the real Christian, and the real Christian Church undertakes to bring to mankind the real life of the Lord Jesus, knowing that when the LIFE of Jesus comes, the light of civiliza tion and Christianity will follow, but the LIFE is the first thing.

As men traveled from God, and as the world traveled from God, men naturally fell into their own consciousness and soul states, and proceeded in the common way of the world to en deavor to bless the world through LIGHT. But LIGHT never saved a world. Light will never save the world. 

There must be a divine content from on high that comes to the soul to enrich it and to empower it, to illuminate it and to glorify it, and more to bring God into it. For God's purpose through Jesus Christ is to bring Himself into the nature of men, and thus forever make them like unto, not only in their outward appearance and habits of life, but in nature and substance and content, in spirit and soul and body, LIKE THE SON OF GOD.

Jesus never intended Christians to be an imitation. They were to be bone of His bone, and blood of His blood, and flesh of His flesh, and soul of His soul, and spirit of His Spirit. And thus He becomes the Son of God, a Savior and Redeemer forever.

In my youth I took a course in medicine. I never practiced medicine, for I abandoned the whole subject a few months be fore the time of my graduation, when it came to the place where diagnosis became the general subject for examination. It was then that I discovered that the whole subject of diagnosis was very largely a matter of guesswork, and it so remains.

Consequently throughout my life there has remained in me somewhat of the spirit of investigation. It has never been easy to accept things readily, until my soul stepped out inch by inch and proved them for myself.

Having had former acknowledgment as a medical student, it is still my privilege to attend a medical clinic, which I frequently do. I submitted myself at one time to a series of experiments. It was not sufficient to know that God did things, I had to know HOW God accomplished these things.

So when I returned from Africa at one time I visited at the Johns Hopkins institution, and submitted myself for this series of experiments.

First, they attached to my head an instrument to record the vi brations of the brain. This instrument had an indicator that would mark according to the vibrations of the mind. I began by repeating soothing things, like the twenty-third Psalm; then I re peated the thirty-seventh Psalm and then the thirty-fifth chapter of Isaiah, then the ninety-first Psalm; then Paul's address before Agrippa. Then I went into secular literature, and I repeated the Charge of the Light Brigade, Poe's Raven, with a prayer in my heart that somehow God would connect my soul with the Holy Ghost. My difficulty was that while this was going on I could not keep the Spirit from coming upon me, and when I got through with Poe's Raven, they said: "You are a phenomenon. You have a wider mental range than any human being we have ever seen." But it was this, that the Spirit of God kept coming upon me in degree, so I could feel the moving of the Spirit within me.

But I prayed in my heart, "Lord God, if you will only let the Spirit of God come like the lightnings of God upon my soul for two seconds, I know something is going to happen that these men never saw before."

So I closed the last lines. All at once the Spirit of God struck me in a burst of praise and tongues, and the old indicator on the instrument went to the end of the rod, and I haven't the least idea how much farther it would have gone if there had been an indicator to record it. 

The instructors said, "We have never seen anything like it." 

I replied, "Brethren, it is the Holy Ghost."

Next broadcast:  Now, in order to get the force of what I want to tell you into this next experiment, something of the process of digestion, I want to explain the assimilating power of your nature, your capacity to assimilate God and take the life of God into your being, and keep it in your being. 

I am not talking to you about what I believe. 

I am talking about what I KNOW.

For twenty-five years God has kept me so that sickness, nor the devil, were able to touch me, from the day that I saw in the ninety-first Psalm a man's privilege of entering into God, not only for healing, but HEALTH, and having God and the life of God in every fiber of his being.


Psalms 91:16  "With long life will I satisfy you and show you My Salvation"


Vines Expository Dictionary
Gk. 2222,  zoe
is used in the NT "of life as a principle,
life in the absolute sense,
life as God has it,
that which the Father has in Himself, and which He gave to the Incarnate Son to have in Himself, John 5:26,
and which the Son manifested in the world, 1 John 1:2.

From this life man has become alienated in consequence of the Fall, Eph. 4:18,
and of this life men become partakers through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, John 3:15, who becomes its Author to all such as trust in Him, Acts 3:15,
and who is therefore said to be 'the life' of the believer, Col. 3:4,
for the life that He gives He maintains, John 6:35,63.

Eternal life is the present actual possession of the believer because of his relationship with Christ, John 5:24; 1 John 3:14,
and that it will one day extend its domain to the sphere of the body is assured by the Resurrection of Christ, 2 Cor. 5:4; 2 Tim. 1:10.

This life is not merely a principle of power and mobility, however, for it has moral associations which are inseparable from it, as of holiness and righteousness.
Need a new start?  Don't make a resolution or turn over a new leaf!
Start a new life!  Pray this prayer from your innermost being: 
"Lord Jesus, I believe that You are the very Life of God. I believe that You came into the world to die for MY sins.  I believe that you died under my penalty, paid my debt and rose again, sitting TODAY at God's right hand.  I invite You into my innermost being.  Give me that Life that You ARE.  I receive it NOW.
Thank You, Lord for my new LIFE!

If you prayed this prayer, I would like to send you a little booklet explaining what has happened and getting you started in your new Life....e-mail me your name & address at:
Visit our Amazon Associates Store for more materials to aid your studies of this LIFE.
  Till tomorrow.......

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