Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Broadcast notes 2.15.11 The "Cycle of Faith"

Today we took a walk in the heavenlies.
Did you ever think or ask yourself why God is UP.......?
And the Devil is DOWN.....?

Well, God wants you to 'come up'..... 'look up'......
He said to Abraham....
"Lift up your eyes and look"....Genesis 13:14
"Look now toward heaven".....Genesis 15:5

When the Lord appeared to him in the plains of Mamre, 
he "lift up his eyes and look and saw three men".... Genesis 18:2

Come, slip the surly bonds of earth with me,
let us dance the skies on laughter-silvered wings...
sunward let's climb and join the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds....
let's wheel and soar and swing high in the sunlit silence, hover there then chase the shouting wind along, flinging ourselves out in His Presence....the Shekinah.
Up, up, up....the long delirious, burning blue... let's top the windswept heights with easy grace....we'll go where never lark nor eagle flew.
And while, with mind now silent, we tread the high untresspassed sanctity of His Presence, let us put out our hand and touch the face of God.
(adaptation of poem 'High Flight')
Breaking the Sound Barrier (surly bonds of earth)


A cycle is defined as:
a sequence of recurring events or phenomena 
that proceeds toward a concluding point
The Faith of the Christian Believer 
is a 
supernatural impartation 
from the Risen Christ
That Faith 
has a life to live 
a work to do
It wants to live its life through your life and lead you to a conclusion
to present you 
'perfect and entire', 
'wanting nothing'
in His Presence.
Noun:  Faith….a conviction based upon hearing (Vine’s Expository Dictionary)
what is believed
an assurance

The main elements in "faith" in its relationship to the invisible God, as distinct from "faith" in man, are especially brought out in the use of this noun and the corresponding verb, pisteuo; they are

(1) a firm conviction, producing a full acknowledgement of God's revelation or truth, e.g.,
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12;

(2) a personal surrender to Him,
John 1:12;

(3) a conduct inspired by such surrender,
2 Corinthians 5:7.


Faith in its relation to the invisible God, is a supernatural force.
The Bible says that Jesus is the author
of it:
Hebrews 12:2
“Looking unto Jesus, the author of our faith.”

When you were or are born again, re-fathered from above,
picture Jesus walking up to you and breathing upon you....
Zoe, the very Life of God.
With it comes a 'measure of the God Kind of Faith'.
Jesus has "authored" your faith....
now it wants to being it's work, what it was put in you to do.

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