Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zoe Radio Network Broadcast Notes 10 20 10

In our October 20th broadcast, we are continuing our explorations of "Zoe"...Life that God has in Himself and that He gives to every true believer to have in themselves.  To listen click on the link above.

People in this world are alienated from that Life of God:  Eph. 4:18
Mt. 15:19:  out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.

They are full of 'dead men's bones':
Mt. 23:27:  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

John 1:4:  in Him was life and that life was the light of men.
John 1:1-5
The Word in the beginning.
The Word with God.
The Word was God.
The Word created all things.
IN the Word was Life.
That Life was the Light of men.
The Light of That Life shines out into the darkness.
The darkness does not overcome it.

John 1:14:
The Word took on flesh and dwelt among us.
And we beheld His Glory.
Full of Grace & Truth.

Who was the Word?
John 1:17 tells us that the Word has a Name:  “Jesus Christ“.
“The law came by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.”

Thinking is important…
Think about these words:
“IN Him was Life…and the Life WAS the Light of men”.

Don’t come to the Bible with a hurry spirit.  Or to these notes or radio broadcast as well.  What I am sharing cannot be ‘apprehended’ by those who hurry.

For example, in this verse:  “In Him was Life and the Life was the Light of men”.

“IN” Him…when you think about what the word, ‘in’ means, you actually see a picture within yourself of Jesus and you sense yourself looking ‘in’ Him….at what is on the inside of Him:  a substance…..LIFE.

What does that LIFE that is on the INSIDE of Jesus look like?
Ezek. 1 & 2.…fiery/glorious.
Rev. 1...brighter than the noon day sun.
Matthew 17:2:  white, glistening, shimmering.
Rev. 4:5:  full of thunderings and lightenings.

If you think about these things properly, they will take you captive.

Reviewing the four kinds of life spoken of in the Greek New Testament:
1)  Bios…physical life.
2)  Psuche….personality, emotions, mind, will.
3)  Anastrophe….behavior.

THE LIFE that is in Jesus:
4)  ZOE (zo-aay)…Life from another dimension/Heavenly Life.
Life as God has it IN Himself and that He gives to every true believer to have IN themselves.  Life in the absolute sense.

God has this Life IN Himself.  He is the eternally existent One.
I AM THAT I AM, He told Moses:  Exodus 3:14.
Self-perpetuating Life.

Heb. 11:6
Believe God is…and receive the Reward of this Life.
Believe involves action.

Zoe gives you an ability to subdue kingdoms and work righteousness.
It is the ability of God given to us that we might bring about His Kingdom in this world.

We are SALT and LIGHT….how are we able to BE salt?  BE light?
Zoe makes us salt.  Makes us light.

Jesus made known this New Kind of Life when He came into the world.
The Old Testament was a preparation for the revealing of this Life.

Galations 4:4
“When the fulness of the time was come (to bring this Life into the world), God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law.”

He who has the Son has LIFE/ZOE.

God has given to us has eternal life (Zoe) and this life (Zoe) is in His Son.  He who has the Son has Zoe, he who has not the Son has not Zoe.
1 John 5:11 & 12.

If you want this New Kind of Life, receive the Son for in Him is the life.

“Lord Jesus, come into me and bring me this New Kind of Life.  I repent of my sins.  I believe that You came into the world to bring this Life.  I believe that You died for my sins that I might receive this life.  I believe that You were raised from the dead by that Life…Resurrection Life.  I believe that You are alive today and are in heaven ready to give me that Life.  I receive You.  I receive that life.  Fill me now, Lord Jesus.  Help me to learn about and live this New Life, in Your Name I pray, Amen.”

If you have prayed this prayer, I would like to send you a little booklet to help you grow in your knowledge of this New Life.  You can send your information to me at:

Here is the link for the Blue Letter Bible website that I mentioned:

Until my next broadcast, keep 'thinking and drinking'.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Our first broadcast....introducing 'Zoe'

Broadcast notes:

To most people, 'Zoe' is a person's name.....they haven't used it in any other context.  Even Christians don't hear sermons on this subject very often.

"Zoe" is one of the Greek words for 'life' (there are four altogether).
The New Testament was written in Greek.
In study and learning from others, I discovered these four words.

A simple definition of 'Zoe':
(Vine's Expository Dictionary).

Here are some examples of how the English Bible uses the word, 'life', and then the real word in the Greek of the New Testament:

In the parable of the sower, Luke 8:14, Jesus said that the cares of this life, choke out the Word.
Here the Greek word for the English word, 'life', is 'bios'.  There is a connection between this word and the word 'biology'.....natural, physical life/existence.

Luke 8:14 with the Greek word would read: "the cares of this bios (natural life) choke out the Word and it becomes unfruitful".

In John 10:10 (the Gospel of John), Jesus said, "I am come, that you might have life and have it more abundantly."  Here the Greek for the English word, 'life' is 'zoe'. 

Written this way, John 10:10 would read:  "I am come that you might have zoe and have it more abundantly."

Another example is John 14:6:  "I am the Way, the Truth, and the one comes to the Father except by (through) Me".

Read, substituting the Greek word:  "I am the Way, the Truth and Zoe...."

Note that Jesus said here, "I AM Zoe (life in the absolute sense)."
Contrast this to saying, "I have Zoe".

To realize the difference and depth of meaning in this statement, say:
"I have water....."
"I AM water......"

Having water is certainly different from BEING water!

Another verse using 'life' and meaning 'zoe':

I John 5:11-12 (summarized):
He who has the Son (Jesus) has life (zoe) and he who has not the Son has not life (zoe).

If you have been born again, you are a 'branch' in the Vine (Jesus).  The same life that flows in the Vine flows in the branch....Jesus used this example of the vine & branches in John 15:

John 15:5:  "I AM the Vine and you are My branch; if you abide in Me and I in you, you will bring forth much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing (bear no fruit).  (I have put this on a personal level for you).

Just as the sap of a natural vine must flow into its branch in order for the branch to bear fruit, the 'sap' of Jesus...His Zoe Life....must flow in you as a believer/disciple in order that you can bear fruit.

Jesus chose this illustration in John 15 for a greater reason than an example to teach us from, He was illustrating the living connection and life flow that pours from Him into His Own.

Think about the 'sap' connection between the vine and the branch.
Think about the 'zoe/life' connection between you and Jesus.

......abide 'in' Me and I 'in' you.

Prepositions are very, think about what that little preposition 'in' implies.
Or from Revelation 3:20:  "Behold, I stand at the door (the heart's door) and knock.  If any man open the door, I will come INTO him and will sup (share My Life (zoe) with him) and he with me (he will share his life with Me).

"I will come 'into' him"....just think of what those words are saying!

When Jesus comes into you, He brings everything He is.
He IS Life and He brings that Life INTO you.
That Life then resides IN You, because He resides IN you!
He brings a new kind of life to the inside of you...a life you haven't experienced before....Zoe, life in the absolute sense.

That is what it means to be 'born again' have received Life In The Absolute Sense!!!!!

Romans 8:11 speaks of the "Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, Who will quicken your mortal body."

That word, 'quicken', is directly related to zoe, for that is what the Spirit quickens you with when you are physically healed by supernatural means.

Four kinds of life spoken of in the Greek language are:

1)  Zoe....the God-kind of life.
2)  Bios....your natural life in its duration, physical life.
3)  Psuche....your personality, soul.
4)  Anastrophe....your behavior, conduct.

Some more educated than I may differ with me over these definitions (that I have made them too simple), but please bear with me as my purpose here is not necessarily theological but logical....the practical use and enjoyment of Zoe, that life which you received when you were born again.

Here is a link to the Vine's Dictionary entry for 'life':

If you aren't sure that you have this Life....pray this prayer from your heart, your innermost being:

Jesus, I have sinned against heaven and against You.  
I believe that You died to pay the penalty for my sins.  
I accept the Sacrifice that You made for me and invite You into my heart.  
I receive the New Life...Zoe,  that You rose from the dead to give me.  
Help me now to live out THAT Life in my life.  
In Your Name I pray, Amen.

Thank you for visiting the Zoe Radio Network Blog....where we are exploring "Zoe", Life as God has it.  Until next time.....keep up your explorations!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Welcome, this blog is an extension of Zoe Radio Network.

There you will hear our broadcast exploring "zoe" as God has it.

Just as your life has many, work, possessions, health, education....God has many varied areas to His Life also. 

We will cover a variety of subjects related to that Life:  what It is, It's quality and the affect that It can have in YOUR life!